2019 Kiva/Joey
Puppies b. October 6, 2019 All puppies have found their forever homes. The Bourbon Balls 5 boys, 3 girls; duals & sables; all plush GV NSx2 bCH Brick Chapel’s Irish Valentine, TT aka Kiva Grace b. June 2, 2013 | … Continued
Puppies b. October 6, 2019 All puppies have found their forever homes. The Bourbon Balls 5 boys, 3 girls; duals & sables; all plush GV NSx2 bCH Brick Chapel’s Irish Valentine, TT aka Kiva Grace b. June 2, 2013 | … Continued
Puppies b. April 25, 2019 All puppies have found their forever homes. The HQ Brew Crew 6 boys, 3 girls; all plush Joe (blue/white boy), Mocha (lt blue boy), Java (lavender girl), Keto (orange boy), Bean (blue boy), Starbucks (green … Continued
Puppies b. October 27, 2018 The BC Pumpkin Patch 6 boys, 5 girls; all plush Linus (lt blue M), The Great Pumpkin (gray M), Gourdy (green M), Maple (tan M), Chestnut (blue M), Cider (purple F), Jack o’Lantern (orange M), … Continued
Puppies b. March 8, 2017 litter announcement all puppies have found their forever homes The Breakfast Club Take Two! 3 boys, 7 girls; all plush 3 dual females, 4 sable females, 2 dual males, 1 sable male NS bCH Brick … Continued
b. March 7, 2017 litter announcement All puppies have found their forever homes. The Breakfast Club Part 1 2 puppies; 1 boy, Bacon (sable) & 1 girl, Beignet (dual); smooth coats Brick Chapels Valentine of Ridgewood, CGC aka Valli Rose b. … Continued